To stay competitive and provide a remarkable customer experience, businesses must be flexible in using the latest tools offered by the technology providers.
What Is A Remarkable Customer Experience?
In a recent study conducted on consumer behavior (The Crowned Grace International Survey, USA), one of the words used to describe a positive customer experience was surprising. Has customer service reached a point where a convenient & friendly experience is not enough anymore to describe the perfect service? Seeing that companies spend billions of budgets yearly to hire & train customer-facing employees, a positive experience is still described as uncommon.
Does this eye-opening statistic speak more to the high expectations of customers? Could it be a sign that many companies aren’t focusing on the core of what customers desire from their experience?
What are the key criteria or KPIs that are set for your team to deliver a remarkable experience to customers? Luckily, there are plenty of strategies available to help organizations excel at delivering at their best. Here are tips to help your team get back on track to delivering the greatest service ever possible!

Set Clear Values & Align Them to Your Operations
While vision statements may seem fluffy, lighthearted, and often overused by businesses, the best organizations are those that truly embody them. Turning a sentence into an entire value system for your operations is not an easy task, but some have come closer than others in living up to their vision. Here are a few popular mission statements, including:
“To inspire humanity – both in the air and on the ground.” – Jet Blue
“To connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and useful.” – Linkedin
“Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow.” – Starbucks
If we look at the way Starbucks ’ mission statement, their use of the term we grow lives up to their practices. For employees that grow within their organization, Starbucks gives their employees (whom they refer to as partners) stocks called Bean Stocks. Not only is this a great practice that offers an incentive for high performance, but Starbucks employees also become vested in improving their customer experience. Find ways to make your team motivated by creating a customer-friendly motto.

Resolve Problems At Their Root
When it comes to enhancing the customer experience, take time to analyze if a customer’s problem is the cause of an issue or the root of an issue. A cause of an issue is the result of miscommunication, the root of an issue may be something that structurally needs to be improved in a customer experience process.
Practical examples from daily life may include situations when someone who is undergoing an unmotivated and inactive phase in life faces two different friends giving different advice. The outcome would depend on which advice the person would take – and therefore solve a problem at its root. Similar approaches work for businesses as well.

Make Your Team Walk Through Your Customer Experience Path
As the saying goes, experience is the best teacher. Think about how often members of your team go through your customer experience journey. They may get preferred treatment, especially if they’re a senior member, but what would their perspective be as a neutral person who understands your businesses’ processes?
Here’s a quick exercise you can do with your team.
Step 1: Identify your key departments within your organization
Step 2: Choose a member from each department to participate in the exercise
Step 3: Explain to chosen members that they will switch departments for one day and to observe objectively what’s working and what isn’t working
Step 4: Discuss the results in a collaborative meeting with an emphasis on how each department can be improved to help the overall customer experience.
Seeing your operations from the inside will help you to improve your customer experience on the outside.
If you would like to receive a proven strategy to improve your customer experience, Ethos Mystery Shopping & KnowledgeTraq are the premium regional solutions to enhance further.
Contact us at to learn more.