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The Importance of First Impressions in Customer Service

Improving the quality of customer service you provide is the fastest way to boost customer loyalty. You have delivered remarkable customer service when you take care of your customers so well that they tell others. You will see client allegiance, retention and referrals going directly through the ceiling when you do that regularly, with every client, every moment. Customer service begins with your customers ‘ first impression of your company. We all heard the old saying, “First impressions are the most important,” but many of us also forgot how true it is.

So, this is a way to assist you remember. In their first seven seconds with your worker, a fresh client will create an impression of your worker (and your company). They will judge your employee in eleven different ways in that slice of time, all of which will affect the likelihood of doing business with you.

The 11 ways in which we are assessed are:

1) Cleanliness
2) Knowledge
3) Professionalism
4) Friendliness
5) Helpfulness
6) Courtesy
7) Credibility
8) Confidence
9) Attractiveness
10) Responsiveness
11) Understanding

The outcomes of these judgments are important. Our clients will roll these decisions into one of our company opinions that will determine the likelihood of becoming a fresh client or repeat client. One of these three findings is the choice they make:

• They like our employees (and business)
• They dislike our employees (and business)
• They are indifferent

To our company, two of these findings are death. It’s evident that dislike is bad. In the long run, however, indifference is the same. A temporary client is an indifferent client. They’re only with you until something better happens. They are not faithful clients in the long run.
So, as you work to enhance your customer service with your staff, remember to concentrate on providing remarkable service. And, remember, an excellent first impression is the first step in providing Customer Service.

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